Ok, So I'm probably the worst person to try and convince anyone
not to procrastinate, but seriously.... Is that little bit of time you gain by putting things off worth the hours of internalized stress and frustration that you'll feel when you try to do it last minute and then turn in a half-assed?
No. No it's not.

Let me tell you something, I know that you'll feel better when you're done... but why haven't you started?
For me at least, the answer is fear. Whether it's fear of failure, fear of feeling stupid for not understand, I use it as an excuse to avoid starting. Because you can't fail what you haven't done, or even better,
when I get a poor grade, I can always tell myself, "Well, it's not like you tried very hard anyways."
Look at me right now. I'm writing this when I have plenty of homework for my classes. I'm currently taking 4 upper division Computer Science courses which require a lot of work, AND intelligence to complete. Of course, I don't have the required knowledge to get the work done, and fear failing even if I try as hard as I can, so I choose to put it off until panic strikes. The old adage, "It gives me the motivation I need to get it done", or "I work better under pressure."
Truth is, I've suffered from stomach issues, and a number of other health issues caused by the stress induced by procrastination I may never
feel stress, but my body internalizes it and my mind is always worried. I lose sleep. I become irritable. It's not pretty.
So, hopefully by writing this, I'm bringing to my attention that I want to finish the assignments.... I NEED to finish my assignments.
But it's the weekend. I have plenty of time.