September 30, 2010

Troll Science!

Want to unlock the secrets of the universe?  Want to astound your family and friends with cool tricks that defy the very laws of physics?!

Of course you do!  And now you can.  Just follow these very simple diagrams to achieve the impossible.

Infinitely lit room:
Free flight with a friend:

And now you can use the amazing power of magnets to replace your gas/electricity consuming vehicles!

Y'all Be Goin' On Vacation?

Remember the 90's?  I know I don't.  But there is one thing that has been permanently engraved into my brain...  This 'Fly Delta' ad.

And let hilarity ensue.

"Y'all be goin on vacation? See the thing is, if you 'bout to be up out this beatch, check it. 
Beep Delta, we be flyin all over this bitch. 

Let me ax you somethin. You fixin to raise up and get your travel on? From the interior to the exterior, you got to get your posterior in one of deez big ass planes. dog, you layin the cut straight sittin on your ass gettin your drink on and your snack on while we floss and fly this mofo all over this bitch. 

East coast, west coast, it don matter neeah we get you to your ho and back lickety split, no . Then you be back at your crib chillin with a phat spliff thinkin we was some crazy ass angel. 

Hell these fat round thick-ass vessels run up in the sky so deep it be cryin...yeah, you thought it was rain! So bring a towel, cuz at Delta it's laid out like dat. Call one of deez fly ass Delta coochies and make all them punk-ass co-workers of yours catch the vapors as you be off and up out. 

You goin? We fly you dere. You been? We done already flew up in dere. We got you covered like a jimmy hat. At Delta we loves us some flyin and be showin like a mother-."

Listen to the .wav here.

I would have embedded it, but...  well, blogspot didn't like that.

The part that still makes me laugh is about making the sky cry.

September 29, 2010

Just Let Go. It's Your Life.

Coming from someone with anxiety and varied degrees of social phobias, I came across this wallpaper.  It really speaks to me.


I hear voices telling me the message:

"Look at you.  You're young, and you're scared.  Why are you so scared?  Stop being paralyzed.  Stop swallowing your words.  Stop caring what other people think.  Wear what you want.  Say what you want.  Listen to the music you want to listen to.  Play it loud as fuck and dance to it.  Go out for a drive at midnight and forget you have school the next day.  Stop waiting for Friday.  Live now.  Do it now.  Take risks.  Tell secrets.  This life is yours.  When are you going to realize that you can do whatever you want?"

Sometimes I am literally scared to death to have to endure a social situation that I can't control.  Whether it's a party, or even Wal-Mart, I can become physically and mentally paralyzed, or feel like I'm having a panic attack.  But what does it matter what they think?  I think we all need to let go and live this life for ourselves, not for anyone else.  You can't take it with you, why not have a good time while you're here.

From the safety of my living room,
-Mr. Code E.

September 28, 2010

Simple Graphic, Insightful Message

It says:

"When faced with two choices, simply toss a coin.
It works not because it settles the question for you
but because in that brief moment when the coin is in the air,

you suddenly know what you are hoping for."

Think about that for a second...

 (and yes, I know you can read, but the text is a bit small in the thumbnail.)

September 27, 2010

You Develop On A WHAT?

RedHat 7.2.  That's right.  I have done all my own programming for my coursework on a homemade server.  Why did I choose RedHat?  Because it was what I had around.

You see, I was using my old computer, a 600 Mhz Dell as a server for a while.  The newer versions just had too much overhead to allow the computer to run fast enough to even compile my code.  Now granted that I'm not doing any heavy database or graphics rendering software.  This is just stuff for my classes in Computer Science...  you know, data structures, trees, threading, etc.

Anyways, RH 7.2 just seemed to run quick enough for me to get my projects done.  In addition, I can remote in through an SSH connection to my server and do maintenance or code from school.  It just loaded it with all the server and development software that I could and disabled all unnecessary services.  By the way, vi sucks because I can't figure it out.  Pico for the win!

Since it probably cost me more in electrical costs to run a separate machine, and my main computer is not being used to it's full potential, I used Microsoft's Virtual PC to clone the RedHat machine and it runs terrifically.

So, you wanna code?  Build your own development box.  Linux rocks, it's fast and extremely reliable and stable.  I've never rebuilt or had any problems with it.  Ever.  And I've been using it for over....  6 years now.  Same build, just updated. (Which in 7.2 is kind of a pain, but still.)  Free.

Life Is Great. Without It, We'd Be Dead.

I've watched a lot of movies recently, and I'll tell you what.  There are a lot of good movies out there among the terrible ones.  I have been abusing my NetFlix account and getting my $9 worth.  Some gems are just worth passing on.

Want to change the way your friends and family view you?  Introduce them to the movie Gummo.

From Harmony Korine, the same guy who brought you Kids, Ken Park, and Julien Donkey Boy, here's the trailer.

I suggest watching it.  It'll change the way you view the world.

Not for the weak of will/stomach/mind.  Just think, you life could always be like theirs.  And then you rejoice that it's not.

Bad-ass Art.

Courtesy of the Grim Side.

September 26, 2010

Call Me Mr. Wizard.

A while ago he asked me what he should have printed on my business cards. I said 'Wizard'.

I read books which nobody else understand.
Then I do something which nobody understands.
After that the computer does something which nobody understands.
When asked, I say things about the results which nobody understand.
But everybody expects miracles from me on a regular basis.

Looks to me like the classical definition of a wizard

September 24, 2010

Google oogle oogle

This was a generic code spot...  Just testing out my blog and the Google Analytics.  

The verdict?

Don't know yet.

Blaming Procrastination for Personal Failure

Ok, So I'm probably the worst person to try and convince anyone not to procrastinate, but seriously....  Is that little bit of time you gain by putting things off worth the hours of internalized stress and frustration that you'll feel when you try to do it last minute and then turn in a half-assed?

No.  No it's not.

Let me tell you something, I know that you'll feel better when you're done...  but why haven't you started?
For me at least, the answer is fear.  Whether it's fear of failure, fear of feeling stupid for not understand, I use it as an excuse to avoid starting.  Because you can't fail what you haven't done, or even better, when I get a poor grade, I can always tell myself, "Well, it's not like you tried very hard anyways."

Look at me right now.  I'm writing this when I have plenty of homework for my classes.  I'm currently taking 4 upper division Computer Science courses which require a lot of work, AND intelligence to complete.  Of course, I don't have the required knowledge to get the work done, and fear failing even if I try as hard as I can, so I choose to put it off until panic strikes.  The old adage, "It gives me the motivation I need to get it done", or "I work better under pressure."

Truth is, I've suffered from stomach issues, and a number of other health issues caused by the stress induced by procrastination  I may never feel stress, but my body internalizes it and my mind is always worried.  I lose sleep. I become irritable.    It's not pretty.

So, hopefully by writing this, I'm bringing to my attention that I want to finish the assignments.... I NEED to finish my assignments.

But it's the weekend.  I have plenty of time.

September 20, 2010

Still here?

Ahh...  so I see that something caught your eye.  Or these posts are reverse chronological order, so you have absolutely no idea what the hell I'm talking about.  Well... maybe you should have thought of that before hand.

I know that I've posted more random crap from different times of my life to the internet or documents I've saved.  I will add more.  I've been on the computer since I was like... 4 and on the internet since 6th grade.  I got lots of crap saved up.  Oh yeah, and if you haven't noticed yet, I'm kind of a nerd.

Ima Sniper and Yourtha Cat: The Finale

Originally posted:  June 13, 2006 

Well, I think the last time that I left you... the cat had made it's move and attacked one of mine... so it was mine turn to retaliate.

It was a couple of weeks ago that I came across the orange devil... all mutant looking.... I was actually outside looking for my own cat, when the thought came to mind, "Hey, I wonder if that orange cat is still around..." Just then, I heard a meow from around the corner... So I ran back into the house to grab my crossbow, cock and load... Now, you gotta remember that these arrows are about 6" long and with a steel arrowhead tip. Ok, with that said, I proceded out the door... and slowly crept around the corner... I wasn't sure if it was the orange cat, or a stray cat that I just saw with kittens... anyways, I walked around and BAM there he was... the midget tiger himself! He turned and spotted me, and the darted under the house. I ran to the other side to see him as he jets out from underneath, trying to get away... I quickly aimed and fired... just over his shoulder! I tried to reload, but by then he was too far out of my range... So again, I wait for him to show back up.

So I wait...

And wait...

and then... as I'm playing a little Vice City, I just happen to look back at the monitor, and who do I see moving across the screen... oh yeah... you know who. Well, I run into the room, load the gun, crossbow, blowdart gun, and get my throwing knives ready... Just as I finish, I see him exit the screen, (which mean he is right next to the house)... and I slowly creep out the door... I had the gun over my back, crossbow in hand, blowdart gun on my back also, and knives at my side... I decided to go around the house from the other way to catch him off guard.... I round the corner, and spot him going to the catfood next to my car! So I fire the crossbow as he starts to run as fast as he can into the front yard to get away from me, my shot missed his head by no more than 1/2 inch... dang it! I start chasing him and drop the crossbow gun to reach for the blowdart gun, and quickly fire a dart into his back leg! YEEEAAAAH! He stumbles and rolls into the yard, and I reload another dart, (these are actually called 'steel nails'... they are like a 4" long, razor sharp thumbtacks), I shoot again and hit him in the side! Oh YEAH!!!! He still takes off running across the yard with two of these nails in him... and he's moving fast! So I drop the blowdart gun and reach for the throwing knives and just start launching these at him, and WHAM! actually pin him right between the shoulder blades as he is running off! He stops still for a moment... I thought it was over, and start to put my next knife into the holster, just then, the bastard still tried to run?! What the HECK!? I throw the other knife and narrowly miss his side! dang it! I grab for the pellet gun, kneel down, and aim for the bastards heart. I slowly pull the trigger just as he gets to the edge of the lawn and WHAMMO! That lead pellet tore through his chest and he comes to a complete stop and hits the pavement. The battle is over. The soldier has fallen. It was a good fight, but only one can be victorious... and my friends, it sure as HELL wasn't going to be him. Don't f*ck with a Hatfield devil cat!

So now, what do I do.... I have the dead body of my enemy, my swollen sense of pride and accomplishment, and a stench that felt like it was burning my nosehair out of my face... The proper thing to do was to bury him.... and that just what I decided would be something a FRIEND would do... this guy took a shot at one of my posse, and now, he had to die. So, he'll..... BURN! I toss his dead carcass into the firepit, throw on some gasoline, and light that mofo up! I've never been so proud as I was that day.

The war has ended, and only 1 remains.

Obviously it's not him, or he'd be writing this.

If you're gonna go, go big, and I'm in it, to win it.

Ok, so maybe it didn't happen exactly like that..... I actually could smell a dead body outside the house somewhere, so I looked underneath and found the flies, and went to look and there he was. The big, dead corpse of the orange devil cat. The story above was how I wanted to kill him, but never got the opportunity. Either way, he's gone and I felt I need to close this case. He's now buried in my back yard... sleeping with the fishes? Heck, I could be on one of those CSI shows or something...? Yeah right.

So, with that all said and done, join us next time.

Go back to part 2
Read how it started

Ima Sniper and Yourtha Cat: Part 2

Originally posted: April 1, 2006

Ok, for those of you who have read the last blog on this matter.... here's an update.

So the beast is still about. In fact, he is so active that when I let a little kitten out to play for a while, the big, psycho orange cat got to him. How much you ask? Oh, you didn't ask? Well, I'm going to tell you anyway. He got him pretty bad. This is how I came to find him.

I start looking outside, because it's odd that he is still missing. It's dark by now, and I'm wandering out in the darness with only my flashlight, looking, ironically, for a BLACK cat... So I'm looking, and listening. I come across my other cat, Andie. She is hiding in a tree. So I go up to her and ask where Key is, (Key is the name of the little black kitten if you haven't already figured that out), anyways... So I ask where he is, and Andie gets out of the tree and leads me over to the back porch of my parents house. I am wondering what is going on and why he just stopped. So I start calling for Key. Faintly, I hear his meow. I start searching more intense now. I faintly hear it again. I am looking everywhere and going back to Andie asking where is Key. He just nudges me and sits there. Right in front of a wood pile. I keep calling... and low and behold, who comes out of that wood pile? Key. That's right.

But something is wrong. Key is hurt badly. He hobbles out and find me, I pick him up and take him inside my house to examine him. He's all skinned up on his right side.... it looks bad... then I look down at my hand to see blood. Not my blood, Key's blood. He is bleeding badly from his rear left leg. It doesn't look good. He can barily walk, he just sits there, on the floor. I start to get kinda worried that he needs to go to the vet because the bleeding just won't stop. I decide to give him a night to see how he is.

He hops up onto the bed, but falls because he can't make it... (Note: my bed is on the floor, so it's only like 2 ft off the ground). I help him up and let him just lay there... for the night.

The next morning, he is still lying in the same spot. At least he is awake, but he hasn't eaten or anything. Well, I kinda pet him to get him up and about, and he hops down, and hobbles over to his food.... gets some food, and actually climbs into his litter box. Wow. This little guy is TORE UP. but he is a trooper....

It's been a couple days now, and Key is doing ok.... as far as the big orage beast monster who is terrorizing my, and now my pets too... oh... IT's ON like DONKEY KONG BITCH!

I started tracking his movements, and now, it's time to slay the beast in the most horrific way imaginable... I'm going all out on this... No more just a BB gun or pellet gun... I got a blowdart gun, throwing knives, machette, crossbow, rifle, ice pick, and too much time on my hands.... now that's a recipe for some KILLIN! This bastard has crossed the line, and now... he will suffer greatly.... I've always wanted to skin a cat alive and wear it's fur while I slaughter it. Now,.....NOW is my chance. The hunt is on... Gummo style.

They don't call me a hillbilly for nothing. Redneck is my way, and killing, is the game. Sayonara devil cat.

I'll be back with the gory details of his demise.

Miss the beginning?

Continue to the final chapter.

Ima Sniper, and Yourtha Cat

Originally posted: February 1, 2006

Ok, so there is this cat right? Right? Ok, just making sure you're following along. Anyway, There is this huge orange beast of a cat outside my house. He runs along the property, harassing other animals that ACTUALLY BELONG THERE, and eating all their food. Now, you gotta picture an orange bobcat that wails underneath my house at all hours... and you'll get the idea. So, after about a week of listening to him attack my cat outside, and eat all their food, I'd had enough. Don't get me wrong, I like cats... MY cats. Not these giant strays that eat all the food I put out for my cat... So by now I'm pissed. So then... I wait.
The night comes when the wailing starts again. I grab my gun, load it up, and head on out. I'm gonna bag me a cat! I see my cat Andie sitting and waiting for food, (because it's... oh my gosh, ALL GONE... I wonder how that happened...), I round the corner, ready for action. I see nothing. So I grab my trusty flashlight, and slowly sink down to see if maybe I can see him underneath the house. I crept around the corner, and BAM, there he was. Just glaring at me as if he was taunting me. "I'll show that bastard", I said to myself. I croutch down, with my gun lined up right at the center of his forehead, (look, I know they got a hard head, and it'll probably live, but I'm going for a little payback before death...). I noticed that this punk is just staring back at me... So I sit there, locked onto his forehead with my sight, then... I decided to go for it. I slowly squeeze the trigger, and BAM, the little sucker took one to the forehead. He scrambled farther underneath the house, and I get loaded back up to pump another bullet into him, but he scurries off, through the field, and away. That'll keep him away for a bit.

Now, he's back. I knew I should have lowered my aim about 2 inches down and shot him through the heart, but I'm not in it for the kill, I'm in it, to win it. I just wanted to scare him a little. Next time, he won't be so lucky.

And just for your information, it was only a pellet, (and a bb), but still, it could've hurt...

Staring into the eyes of the creature you're about to kill, and holding still if quite the rush. I suggest you try... (Disclaimer: I'm not encouraging you to shoot things... Well, things yes, living things.. under certain circumstances).

Ok, that's enough of that. It was fun, and I'll do it again too!

On to part 2

updated life.... school and the like

Originally posted January 19, 2006

Well, I just thought that i'd leave this little thing in case you were wondering what the heck is going on with the code-man.  Oh, what was that?  You say you weren't?  and who is the code-man?  Well, listen, I'm gonna tell you anyway.

Ok, so I started school this week.  Fun fun. At the good old Fresno State..  It was ok, except for the little asian math teacher who whispers when he talks, and just keeps writing notes on the board.  No one knows what he is talking about, or writing about.  Just a bunch of equations...  Other than that, everything else is cool.

As far as work, I am going even more part time than my 27.5 hours a week.  I am down to 20 hours a week...  (which is sweet), and the best part is, they can't fire me.  even because I needed the time reduced to fit my school schedule...  they had to do it.  HAAHA  suckers!  anyways, they're cool for doing it, so i don't lose my job and still have to do school. 

So, in conclusion, school's cool, my job can't get rid of me if they tried, and i am here to rock your mother f-ing socks OFF!

Thanks for listening....

please tip your waitress... aka shove an envolope of money under my door.

Well, this is life.

Originally posted: December 1, 2005

I just thought that I'd give a little update on my life.  (As if you really cared.)

Well, I'm going to be off to Fresno State to finish up my Bachlor's degree in Computer Science.  I finally just got down to business and signed up.  Went to orientation, got my classes....  you know, the whole "going to college crap."

Still working at Lemoore High, but possibly not for long.  I don't know how I'm going to work these schedules...  but I'm sure I'll manage.

Anyways, now you should feel updated.  If you didn't care in the first place...  HA!  I just stole 2 minutes of your life....  SUCKER!


I'm like a drug, and everyone's addicted...

Originally posted : September 24, 2005

Now, I know what you're probably thinking... "That's a little conceided... and not exactly a positive thing", and you know what, you're right.
This thought started a couple days ago in conversation with a friend... jokingly I had made that comment in the middle of taking about something going on... and after I said it, my friend got a little quiet...and it kinda hit me. Not saying that it's the case with everyone, but for the majority it is... check this out:
  • People usually don't like me or think I'm bad until they get to know me.

  • Once people know me, they usually like me

  • They will start to take advantage of my generosity

  • They see the potential in me to help them "better themselves"

  • Some will continue to take and take, without so much as a thanks

  • After so long, they end up trying to screw me over to step over me

  • Stepping over me screws them over

  • Too much of me and people start to get too far in before they realize it's too late

  • Without taking anything, they feel I'm consuming their life, yet they are the ones coming to me

  • Before they know it, they're hating me for they're greed

  • People just can't get enough of me...once you try me, you're hooked.

  • I'm non-threatening, overly nice, make you feel good kinda attitude, and it's actually genuine...

  • I would never cause ill-will, pain, or suffering....intentionally, but it still will always seem to happen

  • No matter how hard I try to help, it's never enough for them

  • I never get physically hurt, but for some odd reason, the people around me do.... (And I would go out of my way to prevent anything like that, but it happens)

  • I make the world seem ok

  • I make people feel safe and comforted

  • It's an almost "false hope" caused by one person with a loving, caring, empathetic heart who just wants to help people

  • Then they get mad because others start wanting my time

  • I would do anything for someone I care about, and almost anything for anyone to help

  • People who I like, hang out and they don't feel they have to give me anything

  • People who think I don't like them feel they need to buy my time

  • To get back in with me, they give me gifts.... and all they had to do was call, or even a simple, "I'm sorry about that man".... really...

  • I don't hold grudges, but people hold them against me

  • I end up causing more harm than good, just by knowing me

  • Other people will not like you because of me... and it's nothing either of us are doing...

  • I don't know why, but jealously runs rampant.... and I don't even know what's to be jealous about...These are just some things that crossed my mind the other day.... there are more, but I just can't think of them. Now, if you know me, you've probably been trying to evaluate if any of those things are like you, or have happened around us.... Honestly, I never think about it, I give anyone the benefit of the doubt... and I just have a nature to want to help. Just don't abuse my friendship. Trust me. A relationship is a two-way street, and I'll drive 99% of the way, but when or if I question it's becoming one-sided... I'll tend to pull back a little, just to see if you are taking advantage of me, or you're really just there and my friend... Well, enough about that... I got a job to do.

  • Welcome... ?

    Ok...  I didn't want to do this, but since I had nothing else, but wanted some content on the site, I'm going to post a few things from my old Myspace account...  yeah, that's right.  Myspace.  No, I'm not proud of it, but it happened, and interestingly enough, I wrote some interesting things.  Granted I was in a different mindset, some things were definitely thought provoking enough for me to want to put it out there.

    Anyways, enjoy.