September 20, 2010

I'm like a drug, and everyone's addicted...

Originally posted : September 24, 2005

Now, I know what you're probably thinking... "That's a little conceided... and not exactly a positive thing", and you know what, you're right.
This thought started a couple days ago in conversation with a friend... jokingly I had made that comment in the middle of taking about something going on... and after I said it, my friend got a little quiet...and it kinda hit me. Not saying that it's the case with everyone, but for the majority it is... check this out:
  • People usually don't like me or think I'm bad until they get to know me.

  • Once people know me, they usually like me

  • They will start to take advantage of my generosity

  • They see the potential in me to help them "better themselves"

  • Some will continue to take and take, without so much as a thanks

  • After so long, they end up trying to screw me over to step over me

  • Stepping over me screws them over

  • Too much of me and people start to get too far in before they realize it's too late

  • Without taking anything, they feel I'm consuming their life, yet they are the ones coming to me

  • Before they know it, they're hating me for they're greed

  • People just can't get enough of me...once you try me, you're hooked.

  • I'm non-threatening, overly nice, make you feel good kinda attitude, and it's actually genuine...

  • I would never cause ill-will, pain, or suffering....intentionally, but it still will always seem to happen

  • No matter how hard I try to help, it's never enough for them

  • I never get physically hurt, but for some odd reason, the people around me do.... (And I would go out of my way to prevent anything like that, but it happens)

  • I make the world seem ok

  • I make people feel safe and comforted

  • It's an almost "false hope" caused by one person with a loving, caring, empathetic heart who just wants to help people

  • Then they get mad because others start wanting my time

  • I would do anything for someone I care about, and almost anything for anyone to help

  • People who I like, hang out and they don't feel they have to give me anything

  • People who think I don't like them feel they need to buy my time

  • To get back in with me, they give me gifts.... and all they had to do was call, or even a simple, "I'm sorry about that man".... really...

  • I don't hold grudges, but people hold them against me

  • I end up causing more harm than good, just by knowing me

  • Other people will not like you because of me... and it's nothing either of us are doing...

  • I don't know why, but jealously runs rampant.... and I don't even know what's to be jealous about...These are just some things that crossed my mind the other day.... there are more, but I just can't think of them. Now, if you know me, you've probably been trying to evaluate if any of those things are like you, or have happened around us.... Honestly, I never think about it, I give anyone the benefit of the doubt... and I just have a nature to want to help. Just don't abuse my friendship. Trust me. A relationship is a two-way street, and I'll drive 99% of the way, but when or if I question it's becoming one-sided... I'll tend to pull back a little, just to see if you are taking advantage of me, or you're really just there and my friend... Well, enough about that... I got a job to do.

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