September 20, 2010

updated life.... school and the like

Originally posted January 19, 2006

Well, I just thought that i'd leave this little thing in case you were wondering what the heck is going on with the code-man.  Oh, what was that?  You say you weren't?  and who is the code-man?  Well, listen, I'm gonna tell you anyway.

Ok, so I started school this week.  Fun fun. At the good old Fresno State..  It was ok, except for the little asian math teacher who whispers when he talks, and just keeps writing notes on the board.  No one knows what he is talking about, or writing about.  Just a bunch of equations...  Other than that, everything else is cool.

As far as work, I am going even more part time than my 27.5 hours a week.  I am down to 20 hours a week...  (which is sweet), and the best part is, they can't fire me.  even because I needed the time reduced to fit my school schedule...  they had to do it.  HAAHA  suckers!  anyways, they're cool for doing it, so i don't lose my job and still have to do school. 

So, in conclusion, school's cool, my job can't get rid of me if they tried, and i am here to rock your mother f-ing socks OFF!

Thanks for listening....

please tip your waitress... aka shove an envolope of money under my door.

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