No. No it's not.

For me at least, the answer is fear. Whether it's fear of failure, fear of feeling stupid for not understand, I use it as an excuse to avoid starting. Because you can't fail what you haven't done, or even better, when I get a poor grade, I can always tell myself, "Well, it's not like you tried very hard anyways."
Look at me right now. I'm writing this when I have plenty of homework for my classes. I'm currently taking 4 upper division Computer Science courses which require a lot of work, AND intelligence to complete. Of course, I don't have the required knowledge to get the work done, and fear failing even if I try as hard as I can, so I choose to put it off until panic strikes. The old adage, "It gives me the motivation I need to get it done", or "I work better under pressure."
Truth is, I've suffered from stomach issues, and a number of other health issues caused by the stress induced by procrastination I may never feel stress, but my body internalizes it and my mind is always worried. I lose sleep. I become irritable. It's not pretty.
So, hopefully by writing this, I'm bringing to my attention that I want to finish the assignments.... I NEED to finish my assignments.
But it's the weekend. I have plenty of time.
"Trying is the first step toward failure" -Home Simpson