September 30, 2010

Y'all Be Goin' On Vacation?

Remember the 90's?  I know I don't.  But there is one thing that has been permanently engraved into my brain...  This 'Fly Delta' ad.

And let hilarity ensue.

"Y'all be goin on vacation? See the thing is, if you 'bout to be up out this beatch, check it. 
Beep Delta, we be flyin all over this bitch. 

Let me ax you somethin. You fixin to raise up and get your travel on? From the interior to the exterior, you got to get your posterior in one of deez big ass planes. dog, you layin the cut straight sittin on your ass gettin your drink on and your snack on while we floss and fly this mofo all over this bitch. 

East coast, west coast, it don matter neeah we get you to your ho and back lickety split, no . Then you be back at your crib chillin with a phat spliff thinkin we was some crazy ass angel. 

Hell these fat round thick-ass vessels run up in the sky so deep it be cryin...yeah, you thought it was rain! So bring a towel, cuz at Delta it's laid out like dat. Call one of deez fly ass Delta coochies and make all them punk-ass co-workers of yours catch the vapors as you be off and up out. 

You goin? We fly you dere. You been? We done already flew up in dere. We got you covered like a jimmy hat. At Delta we loves us some flyin and be showin like a mother-."

Listen to the .wav here.

I would have embedded it, but...  well, blogspot didn't like that.

The part that still makes me laugh is about making the sky cry.

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